in Flora
Europaea this species is considered a synonym of
Dianthus carthusianorum L.
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Individuals like in the photographs below are included in
Dianthus tenuifolius
Schur which is now a synonym of Dianthus
carthusianorum L. according with Flora Europaea on line but not
with the Romanian flora books. Indeed the single valid characters of
Dianthus tenuifolius were the lamina of the petal as long
as calyx, calicinal bracts as long as the calyx (not 2/3 from its
length) and the basal leaves narrower than 1mm, which were
however extremely unstable even in the case of the
samepopulation and frequently in the
same individual (especially the width of the basal leaves
and the length of the calicinal bracts) and were found also in the
subalpine and boreal populations of Dianthus carthusianorum
across Central Europe. We expect that also Dianthus henteri
Heuff. to become a synonym of Dianthus carthusianorum
at a thorough study since its separation criteria are also very
variable and weak.
Cheile Sugaului natural reservation area, in Cheile Bicazului -
Haghimas National Park area, Haghimas/Hasmas/Curmaturii Mountains,
Neamt county, 12th of August 2010.
dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.net

Cozia mountainous massif, Valcea county, in the rocks of the
boreonemoral belt, May 2005.
dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.net
